Conference season picking up
My first of what I anticipate will be several scholarly meetings this year is the annual meeting of the Innovation Systems Research Network (ISRN), of which I have been a member through my research work with the Centre for Policy Research on Science and Technology (CPROST) here at SFU. That's next week in Montreal, and I'm looking forward to catching up on the latest research with our collaborators on this project from all across Canada, and some international guests as well.
Agendas and paper archives are available on the site>>
At the beginning of May (while I'm still in Montreal) there will be a really interesting looking Community-University Expo (CUExpo 2008) in Victoria.There will be lots of opportunities to see the types of community-engaged scholarship that is paving the way towards more productive partnerships between local community praxis and academic research. A friend is attending, so I hope I can get the low-down from her afterwards!
View the Website>>
From May 13-15, there's the ION08 Game Conference (formerly OGDC) in Seattle, which is oriented towards the g/local games dev community. I attended last year as the face of academia and it was a blast... and if I can make it I might just hop down again this year.
View the Website>>
In June, Vancouver is hosting what we in the Social Sciences and Humanities call "The Learneds" or "Congress." It is the 2008 Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences, taking place at the University of British Columbia (Point Grey Campus). The congress includes many association-specific meetings, including the Canadian Games Studies Association (CGSA) on May 31st where I'll be chairing the "Contexts of Play" panel and the Canadian Communication Association (June 4-6) meeting at which I'll be presenting a paper.
View the FedCan Website>>
View the CGSA Website and conference links>>
View the CCA and conference links>>
View my abstract>>
That's enough to chew on for now... in the meantime I must tend the proposals and papers that beckon... and some lunch.
Labels: cca, CGSA, CHSS, conferences, papers, proposals, sfu, ubc, uvic